
St. Francis Church – Mandaluyong

The structure of St. Francis Church as seen from across the street. It is blocked by several trees and other plants on the island dividing the street and those that are in front of it. The church is elevated; there are doors on the ground level, but the actual church is at the second story of the building accessible through ramps on both sides. The church has white frontage and brown roof as well as yellowish bricks at the central structure above and below the glass pane of St. Francis, which is at the center of the frontage. A yellow cross is on top and upper front of the central structure.

Also known as:

Address: Shaw Blvd. cor. St. Francis St., Mandaluyong City 1552 [View Map]

Telephone: (02) 631-6359

Fax: (02) 631-6357

Pastor: Fr. Royce Andres M. Quintillan, OFM Cap.

Office Hours: Monday to Saturday 7:30am-5:00pm; Sunday 8:00am-4:00pm

Mass Schedule

Monday to Friday: 6:00am 6:30am 7:00am 6:00pm

Saturday: 6:00am 7:00am

Saturday Anticipated Mass: 6:00pm

Sunday: 5:30am 6:30am 7:30am 8:45am 10:00am 11:15am 5:00pm 6:15pm 7:30pm


St. Francis of Assisi: Tuesday 5:30pm

Mother of Perpetual Help: Wednesday 5:30pm; after 6:00pm mass

St. Pio of Pietrelcina: Thursday 5:30pm

Sacred Heart: First Friday 5:30pm


Baptism: Saturday 11:00am; Sunday 12:15pm

Confession: Sunday during a mass; weekdays by appointment

Wedding: by appointment

Photo Gallery

The sanctuary of St. Francis Church is mostly brown with gold carvings that accentuate it. On the left of the altar (or right from the perspective of someone facing the congregation) is the pedestal for lectors with a gold Sun carving, and a white carving of a book inside the Sun. The altar has a white carving of a lamb with golden Sun at the back. The lamb also seems to be holding a cross. The altar also has a white cloth on top and two gold-colored candle stands. The crucifix at the back has Jesus nailed with only one hand, with his other hand on St. Francis' back, who is hugging him. The tabernacle covers Jesus' feet. Two small angels are on the right of Jesus below the nailed hand. There are glass panels on the left and right of the crucifix; one panel has what seems like a second tabernacle while the other is a portrait of a person in red with a yellow cape, with two monks kneeling on both sides and a host of angels behind the cape.This white Sun-like decoration is found in front of St. Pio Chapel, which is just the north wing of St. Francis Church. A white head of a lamb is at the center of the Sun; below it on both left and right, are carvings of angels holding trumpets. The table here and what looks like an alternative tabernacle, are covered with green cloths.The confessional of St. Francis church is made of wood and has the same design as that of a brown surface with gold engravings. It has three compartments, one for the priest and two for the penitent. The front of the compartment for the priest has an icon of St. Leopold Mandić and a white cross above.Glass Pane of St. Francis of Assisi, showing him spreading his hands upward and with his feet on the clouds. Above him are four little angels (winged heads) while aligned with his torso and feet are two more full-bodied angels: one is standing, raising one hand, and has a red cape, while the other is kneeling and praying. Below his feet is a walking angel with yellow wings, a staff, three crosses with one axis, and what seems to be a bell tower of a church.

Published on October 27, 2018 under categories: Parish Churches.

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