
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish – Project 8

The frontage of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish along Jersey St. It has a triangular hat-like brown roof. The small structure with light on a pole on top in front is the new adoration chapel.

Also known as: N/A

Address: Jersey Road, Project 8, Quezon City [View Map]

Telephone: (02) 352-7360

Fax: (02) 352-7360

Pastor: Rev. Fr. Ramon Eloriaga

Office Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 8:00am-12:00pm & 2:00pm-6:00pm

Mass Schedule

Monday to Friday: 6:00am 6:30pm

Wednesday and Friday: 6:00am 12:00pm 6:30pm

Saturday: 6:00am

Saturday Anticipated Mass: 6:30pm

Sunday: 6:00am 7:15am 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 4:30pm 6:00pm 7:30pm

Healing Mass: First Wednesday 6:30pm


Baptism: Sunday 12:30pm (Seminar at 11:30am)

Confession: Saturday 6:00pm, First Friday 5:00pm

Wedding: Monday to Saturday 9:00am 11:00am 3:00pm

Confirmation: by appointment

Other Services

Counseling, Blessing: by appointment

Photo Gallery

The sanctuary of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish with the altar, the platform, and the back of the crucifix made of white marble. Yellow and green curtains drape on the sides of the crucifix. The circular metal below the crucifix is the tabernacle.Statue of Jesus outside the parish, standing and wearing white with yellow lining.Statue of St. Lorenzo Ruiz outside the parish in his usual praying pose while standing and looking upStatue of Mary wearing a crown inside the parishWooden emboss depicting the 7th station of the cross, Jesus fell for the second time

Published on October 1, 2012 under categories: Parish Churches.

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